Wow best money making profession 3.3.5

Author: 66-34 Date: 08.06.2017

The Undermine Journal - useful resource for goldmakers.

Skirmish Sundays PvP Murloc Mondays New players Tanking Tuesdays Midweek Mending Thursday Loot Thread Firepower Friday DPS Switch Up Saturday. Diablo — Starcraft — Hearthstone — Heroes of the Storm — Overwatch —. Hello, I just back into WoW.

Ten Ton Hammer | Top 5 Gold Making Professions in World of Warcraft

I'm wondering in the current state. What are the best professions for money making? When you're a high level and a low level? I've tried to google this but a lot of these sites are clickbait and 3 year old information so I'd like to know what to do in WoD. I forgot how fun WoW is. Items that come with sockets for gems are very rare and few.

The gems itself are very expensive, and no one really buys them unless they absolutely need it. JC is in a bad spot right now, so I advise against using it to get gold. Imo, I think Draenor Blacksmithing makes a lot of gold if you put up item upgrades on the AH for sale.

Do keep in mind that BS takes a long time to level and get every recipe. Darn, I have JC and BS and focused all my time on JC because I was operating on prior expansion assumptions. Guess I'll focus on my BS skill then. I made a killing with JC early in the expansion, as the daily cooldown materials kept pace with the amount of people who had leveled JC, plus the amount of armor that came with sockets in them.

It's definitely nowhere near the money maker it used to be as people started flooding the market using their saved up materials, and with less people there is less need for filling sockets. Below the current expansion they're basically all useless. Alchemy, Enchanting, and Tailoring are good for money in the current expansion. Can't go wrong with enchanting. I pair it with tailoring and spM hexweave bags every few days. I want gold while I'm leveling though.

If so what are the best gathering professions? Tailoring is good at lower levels as well but the gold you get will increase with your levels. Just make lots of bags as you level up and sell them on the AH.

Best Money Making Profession for Wotlk?

No profession is going to making you a lot of gold early on. The netherweave bags I just made only sold for 10 gold each, but hey, I made like gold for a day of questing so right on. WoD made it super easy to switch or level professions.

Which means it's definitely possible to level with one set, and then change when you get to Bunny, though, said it bes,t that no prof is making much gold in the lower levels. There is no profession that will make you gold leveling. You will spin yourself in circles for chump change.

It really just isn't worth the time in that the time you spend trying to make money pre-level would be better spent on doing it at level Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy.

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Just dont go for jewelcrafting. I remember it was great for a long time? What changed in WOD? With that said, I do still auction the mounts off for a decent price, so there is that Sitting on near temps and about sorcerous elements of varying types.

Just level up and start making your money with the garrison. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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