Option trading message board

Author: sea Date: 28.06.2017

Headquartered in Belgium and with offices in Europe, the United States and Australia, Option specializes in wireless solutions enabling Machine to Machine M2M communication. With more than 25 years of experience and many industry firsts, the Company is ideally positioned to offer efficient, reliable and secure solutions across a variety of industries and applications.

Option partners with system integrators, value added resellers, application platform providers, value added distributors and network operators to bring tailor-made solutions to customers around the world. Option backs its advanced CloudGate M2M solution platform with an extensive engineering consultancy capable of helping you succeed.

Our talent and experience have proven extremely effective in helping companies effectively and efficiently develop products. We work with organizations which seek to leverage our years of specialized wireless communications experience to speed time-to-market, reduce risk and proactively avoid product design and development pitfalls. Option's Engineering Services and our in-house and state-of-the-art OptionLab, are here to help you recognize and capitalize on market opportunities.

From early stage product feasibility assessments, to final product manufacturing, our Engineering Services can support your full range of needs. Discrimination We will not discriminate against our employees in any of the following areas:. Purchasing We will put into place checks, controls and procedures to ensure all our suppliers and sub-contractors:.

Prevention of Corruption We will include in our distribution and supply agreements anti-bribery standard clauses. Our employment policies outline measures that can and will be taken in order to prevent corruption. Gereglementeerde Informatie - Voorkennis Gepubliceerd 2 juni — 19u00 CET. Juridische zaken, compliance, investor relations, personeelszaken, secretaris van de Raad van bestuur, Intellectuele eigendom. De bijzonder gevolmachtigden zullen op regelmatig tijdstip bijeenkomen om het dagelijkse bestuur van de vennootschap waar te nemen.

De heer Jan Callewaert zal zich samen met de heer Patrick Willekens focussen op verkoop en business development voor de Vennootschap. Het bedrijf werkt hiervoor samen met systeemintegratoren, value added resellers, application platform providers, distributeurs met toegevoegde waarde en netwerkoperatoren, om zo op maat gemaakte oplossingen aan eindklanten te kunnen voorstellen. Meer informatie op www.

option trading message board

Alle product- en bedrijfsnamen hierin kunnen betrekking hebben op geregistreerde handelsmerken of handelsnamen. Upon request of the Board of directors, Mr Jan Callewaert accepted to end his mandate as interim CEO of the Company effective 31 May The daily management of the Company will transfer to the executive committee, chaired by Mr Eric Van Zele, operating under the general supervision of the Board of directors. The authorized representatives will meet on regular occasions to organise the daily management of the Company, under temporary supervision of Mr Eric Van Zele.

Mr Jan Callewaert will focus on sales and business development together with Mr Patrick Willekens. Mr Eric Van Zele has been authorized by the Board on a temporary basis to chair the Executive Management Meeting and report to the Board of its activities, until a new CEO has been found. Option connects Things to the Cloud.

Option is headquartered in Belgium and maintains offices in Europe, the US and Australia. All product and company names herein may be registered trademarks or trade names.

De reden voor dit uitstel is de verdere verwerking van boekhoudkundige gegevens in samenspraak met de auditor. Delay of publication of annual report to 31 May OPTI will publish its annual report by 31 May and has updated its Financial calendar in this respect. The reason for this postponement is the further processing of accounting data in consultation with the auditor. OPTI heeft op 13 maart een aantal transparantiekennisgevingen ontvangen, waaruit blijkt dat een aantal deelnemingsdrempels werden overschreden.

De relevante gegevens van deze transparantiemeldingen zijn als volgt:. Option is headquartered in Belgium and maintains offices in Europe, the US, Greater China and Australia. LEUVEN — Belgium — March 8, — The Company announces that an agreement has been reached among Option and its major financial creditors. This should enable the Company to execute its business plan in Within the context of a new business plan forOption developed a restructuring plan focusing on three areas:.

Eric Van Zele as chairman of the Board and the start of the search for a new CEO. All bond loans will be extended to 5 November with lower interest rates and a reduced exercise price.

As part of the agreement a total of EUR 11, of receivables under the convertible bond loans have been converted into shares by means of a capital increase in kind within the authorized capital by a Board decision of 6 March As part of the agreement a total of EURof receivables under the bridge loans have been converted into shares by means of a capital increase in kind within the authorized capital by a Board decision of 6 March The contribution of a total of EUR 12, receivables under bridge and bond loans was executed at EUR 0.

For each new share, EUR 0. As a result of the capital increase, 82, new shares were created, bringing the total number of shares, subject to approval for listing on Euronext, from 98, today to , shares after listing. The capital of the Company has been increased with EUR 4, A total of EUR 8, Qunova BVBA, represented by Jan Vorstermans, has been replaced by Crescemus BVBA, represented by Mr.

Option thanks Jan Vorstermans for the years of commitment he showed to Option, its Board and management. Eric Van Zele currently serves as Chairman of Reynaers Aluminium and Crescent NV. He was recently appointed chairman of the E17 network of hospitals and of the Hermes decision committee of The Flemish agency for Innovation and entrepreneurship. He continues to serve as a director of Barco NV. Prior to his current mandates Eric served as president and Ceo of Barco NV in Kortrijk from thru He served as CEO of Pauwels International from thru and of Telindus nv thru Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Raychem Corporation in Menlo park, CA, USA and as Managing Director of Raychem nv in Leuven, Belgium.

Eric holds a masters degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from the KUL in Leuven and postgraduate degrees in management from Stanford University CA, USA. Pieter Bourgeois, 39, is an Investment Manager at Alychlo NV, the investment firm of Belgian entrepreneur Marc Coucke.

Option is honoured and welcomes Mr Bourgeois as new director and Mr Van Zele as new Chairman of the Board. Mr Jan Callewaert remains managing director ad interim until a new CEO has been appointed. Mr Callewaert replaced Frank Deschuytere as daily manager when Mr Deschuytere left the Company on 9 March Within Option executive management team, Option regrets the departure of Jan Luyckx as CFO.

Edwin Bex, former CFO at Telindus NV, has been appointed as new CFO. Gereglementeerde Informatie — Voorkennis. Dit akkoord zou de Vennootschap in staat moeten stellen om haar businessplan in uit te voeren. Binnen het kader van een nieuw businessplan voor heeft Option een herstructureringsplan uitgewerkt, gericht op drie punten:. Option heeft voor een totaalbedrag van EUR Alle obligatieleningen worden verlengd tot 5 november aan lagere intresten en een gereduceerde conversieprijs.

Als onderdeel van het akkoord werd een totaalbedrag van EUR De obligatiehouders zullen de mogelijkheid worden gegeven om het resterende gedeelte van hun schuldvorderingen in te brengen in kapitaal op eerstvolgende Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders. Option heeft tijdens de periode een aantal lopende overbruggingskredieten aangegaan voor een totaalbedrag van EUR 4. De kredietverleners zullen de mogelijkheid worden gegeven om het resterende gedeelte van hun schuldvorderingen in te brengen in kapitaal op eerstvolgende Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders.

De inbreng van EUR Ten gevolge van de kapitaalverhoging werden Het kapitaal van de Vennootschap werd verhoogd met EUR 4. Een totaalbedrag van EUR 8. Tenslotte kondigt Option een aantal wijzigingen aan in de Raad van bestuur en het management als volgt:.

Qunova BVBA, vertegenwoordigd door de heer Jan Vorstermans, wordt vervangen door Crescemus BVBA, vertegenwoordigd door de heer Pieter Bourgeois. Option bedankt Jan Vorstermans voor de jaren van engagement dat de heer Vorstermans heeft getoond voor Option, de Raad van bestuur en het management.

De heer Eric Van Zele wordt nieuwe Voorzitter van de Raad van bestuur met ingang vanaf 7 maart Eric Van Zele is momenteel Voorzitter bij Reynaers Aluminium en Crescent NV. Hij houdt een mandaat aan als bestuurder van Barco NV. Voordien was de heer Eric Van Zele Voorzitter en CEO bij Barco NV in Kortrijk van tot Hij was CEO van Pauwels International van tot en van Telindus NV van tot Daarvoor zetelde hij als Vice President van Raychem Corporation in Menlo park, CA, USA en Managing Director van Raychem NV in Leuven.

Eric heeft een masters degree in electrical and mechanical engineering van de K. Pieter Bourgeois, 39, is Investeringsmanager bij Alychlo NVhet investeringsbedrijf van de Belgische ondernemer Marc Coucke. Option is vereerd en verwelkomt de heer Pieter Bourgeois als bestuurder en de heer Eric Van Zele als nieuwe Voorzitter van de Raad van bestuur. De heer Jan Callewaert blijft gedelegeerd bestuurder ad interim tot een nieuwe CEO is aangesteld. De heer Callewaert heeft de heer Frank Deschuytere vervangen in het dagelijks beleid van de Vennootschap, toen de heer Deschuytere Option heeft verlaten op 9 maart Binnen het uitvoerend management team van Option betreurt Option het vertrek van Jan Luyckx as CFO.

Edwin Bex, voormalig CFO bij Telindus NV, werd aangesteld als nieuwe CFO. De resultaten zijn uitgedrukt in euro en werden opgesteld in overeenstemming met de opname- en waarderingsgrondslagen van IFRS zoals aanvaard binnen de Europese Unie.

Om de raad van bestuur tevens bijzonder te machtigen om, ingeval van openbaar overnamebod op effecten uitgegeven door de vennootschap gedurende een periode van drie 3 jaar die loopt vanaf de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering die tot deze machtiging zal besluiten, over te gaan tot kapitaalverhogingen in de voorwaarden voorzien door het Wetboek van vennootschappen. Om de raad van bestuur tenslotte te machtigen om, in het belang van de vennootschap, binnen de perken en overeenkomstig de voorwaarden voorgeschreven door het Wetboek van vennootschappen, het voorkeurrecht van de aandeelhouders te beperken of op te heffen, wanneer een kapitaalverhoging geschiedt binnen de grenzen van het toegestane kapitaal.

Op 28 april verzekerde Option zich van een overbruggingskrediet van 2 miljoen EUR verleend door Dhr. Jan Callewaert oproepbaar in schijven volgens de behoefte van het bedrijf. OPNVYactive in smart wireless M2M Solutions, today announced its unaudited results for the full fiscal year ended December 31, The financial information reported in this release is presented in Euros and has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRS as adopted by the European Union.

The accounting policies and methods of computation followed in the attached financial statements are the same as those followed in the most recent annual financial statements. On November 22, Option announced the sale of Innolumis Public Lighting BV and Public Lighting BV. To authorize the board of directors, in the interest of the company, within the limits and in accordance with the conditions imposed by the Belgian Code of Companies, to limit or suspend the preferential rights of the shareholders, when a capital increase occurs within the limits of the authorized capital.

This limitation or suspension may likewise occur for the benefit of one or more specified persons. On April 28, Option secured a bridge loan of 2.

Other corporate events and post balance sheet events will be published in a separate press release on the same date 8 March OPTION REPORTS FULL YEAR RESULTS.

Wireless Connectivy en Wireless Engineering Services. Leuven, Belgium — February 16, — Option EURONEXT: Wireless Connectivity and Wireless Engineering Services. Option is headquartered in Belgium and maintains offices in Europe and the US. OPNVY verduidelijkt dat de verkoop van Innolumis Public Lighting BV en Public Lighting BV, een positief effect heeft van Meer informatie op http: Leuven, Belgium — November 22, — Option Euronext: OPNVY clarifies that the sale of Innolumis Public Lighting BV and Public Lighting BV, has a positive effect ofEUR on its net result, which brings the continuity of Option to mid February Statutory Accounts - Enkelvoudige Jaarrekeningen in Dutch only.

Bijlage A - Bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel van het wetboek van vennootschappen. Bijlage B - Verslag van de commissaris overeenkomstig artikel van het wetboek van vennootschappen. Bijlage C - Akte kapitaalverhoging. Bijlage E - Corporate Governance Charter Option NV. Bijlage F - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening Bijlage G - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening Bijlage H - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening Bijlage J — Jaarcijfers Bijlage K - Persberichten.

The involved shareholders must comply with the statutory requirements and regulations in this regard. De betrokken aandeelhouders dienen zich te conformeren naar de wettelijke voorschriften ter zake. Official By-Laws in Dutch PDFMarch, New technologies are changing the way health services are delivered, allowing recipients to remain in their homes to receive care and to avoid costly hospital stays. SimplyHome of Asheville, N. The solution was developed together with Aeris www.

By communicating with multiple sensors to observe activities of daily living, the SimplyHome systems proactively alert caregivers and loved ones to changes in behavioral patterns. Text, email or phone alerts can be generated by a single event, an intersection of multiple events or by inactivity. The SimplyHome systems also help the resident remain independent with environmental controls that operate beds, lights, TVs, doors, and more via tablet or voice-activation.

State and federal healthcare agencies encourage in-home care programs as a vital way to deliver efficiencies. There is a public demo of Smiths Micro application in the Open Mobile Alliance partner event on Wednesday, 26 Februaryat DCN or DeviceCloudNetworks will have a demo set up with CloudGate using IP based Wi-Fi cameras as the end point. At this point, DCN will set up CloudGate and the cameras in their US office and show their capabilities via web device at the show in Barcelona Spain.

DCN located in the Meeting Room Suites Area Stand: Option will be present at the M2M summit scandianvia tradeshow from November 5 — 6 in the Kista Exhibition Center Stockholm,booth: The M2M Summit Scandinavia presents a brand new platform to discover the latest trends and developments in the rapidly evolving field of M2M communication. You can expect a vibrant conference and exhibition, where major M2M actors — including Option — meet, exchange and bring their M2M solutions to a truly international audience.

In addition to an M2M zone in the exhibition area at the Embedded Conference, the one-day M2M conference provides a unique platform for the presentation of new trends and interesting business cases. Option welcomes key customers as well as System Houses and System Integrators interested in reselling this unique solution intelligent M2M gateway and the provisioning server.

If you are visiting this show and would like to have a demo of the M2M platform, please contact Joris Van der Elst at j. Round Solutions and Option will both welcome key customers as well as System Houses and System Integrators interested in reselling this unique solution intelligent M2M gateway and the provisioning server. They have successfully tested CloudGate and are recommending it for various IoT Internet of Things projects. M2M connection to touch million by Author: According to ABI Research, cellular M2M connections are set to reach over million by According to the research report, Contributing to the pain of declining ARPUs has been slower than expected migration to 3G and 4G technologies which offer better margins per megabit of traffic.

Connection traffic and application needs have not grown enough to require 3G and 4G connections. But another reason is disparity in M2M module pricing — 3G and 4G cellular modules are over 2 times and 6 times more expensive than 2G modules.

Operators dedicated to the M2M market are aggressively moving up the stack and either adding services or partnering to grow their share of the M2M pie. Scala is one of the global leading providers of digital signage and location-based media solutions. Option will be making the case on why CloudGate, the intelligent 3G M2M Gateway, is the ideal platform for wireless location-based M2M applications. This is one of the leading partner events in the mobile operator segment focusing on M2M trends, M2M user applications and technology demonstrations.

For Option this is a great opportunity to strengthen its relationships in the European M2M market and to show the unique features of its CloudGate solution. Moreover, they are available to meet with both end-customers as well as M2M System Integrators about the CloudGate solution on the European market. The VAS market represents an array of business and technical services that complement managed cellular connectivity and application platform services.

These services enable application developers, service providers and corporate adopters to create, deploy and manage cellular M2M applications. The growth of the VAS market in this area will be driven by the boom in cellular M2M connections. Global M2M cellular connections are expected to rise to However, the cost and complexity of developing, deploying and operating cellular M2M applications is daunting, leading increasing numbers of companies to outsource cellular M2M application development, deployment and in many cases operation, to VAS providers.

Axeda and new device partners extend the reach for the Internet of Things Author: Axeda Corporation, the leading cloud-based service and software for managing connected products and implementing innovative machine-to-machine M2M and Internet of Things solutions, today announced new Axeda Ready devices from partner companies ClearConnex, Diamond, Echelon, eWON, GlobalSat, Netcomm Wireless, Option and Pointer Telocation. For device manufacturers, Axeda Ready provides a testing and implementation program that validates their connectivity via the Axeda agent protocol or their own device protocol.

The program includes development and certification of Axeda Codecs protocol translators that leverage the Axeda AnyDevice Service to enable device makers to connect to Axeda using their own device protocol. By enabling more devices and services to quickly and easily integrate with the Axeda Machine Cloud, the Axeda Ready program broadens connectivity options for customers and partners.

With more than 20 years of experience and many industry firsts, Option has always been at the forefront of wireless industry. The CloudGate M2M Gateway is a secure, reliable and affordable 3G M2M gateway that brings new levels of flexibility and ease of deployment for M2M solutions. CloudGate also allows simple integration and provisioning of applications and the Axeda Ready agent into its Linux software environment.

With a single SKU, CloudGate will work with all of the major network operators in North America and can be configured for the desired service provider at the time of installation.

CloudGate is ideal for cost sensitive applications that need a flexible end point device that can manage the connectivity. ClearConnex is an innovative wireless embedded engineering firm with extensive experience in wireless device design and development. ClearComm is a mature, proven, hardware agnostic software platform that can be loaded on any off-the-shelf modem or added to custom designed hardware which provides communication functionality as good as or better than any closed modem on the market.

The off-the-shelf modem can be made even better by customizing ClearComm with ClearConnex engineering services to meet your specific needs. This method results in customized solutions at off-the-shelf prices.

option trading message board

Since Diamond Technologies has been focused on assisting its customers in improving their products, machines, systems, and operations. The DT is the M2M Machine to Machine gateway for industrial OEMs, system integrators and end users looking to add remote connectivity to industrial equipment. Echelon Corporation develops, markets and supports the world's most proven, open standard, multi-application energy control networking platform. The Echelon platform powers energy-savings applications for smart gridssmart cities and smart buildings.

It provides an open platform for easy integration of equipment, systems, operator workstations, and enterprise applications. The TRB is a multi-functional and economically feasible communication platform for mobile positioning applications. It integrates highly sensitive GPS module and quad-band 3G GSM communication module with a powerful micro controller that fits into a compact enclosure.

It provides real-time GPS positions anytime and anywhere with an open view to the sky, and offers precise positioning, and reports vehicle status to the server with necessary information shown on the map. Vodafone MachineLink 3G, Outdoor WiFi Router NTCM2M WiFi Router NTC NetComm Wireless Limited is a world leading developer of rhb bank singapore foreign exchange rates broadband and Machine-to-Machine M2M products.

Axeda ready products include the Vodafone MachineLink 3G, Outdoor WiFi Router and M2M WiFi Router. Pointer Telocation Ltd, NASDAQ: PNTR is a leading provider of end-to-end Telematics products and services for insurance companies, car manufacturers, asset owners, and fleet operators.

Enterprises utilizing CelloTrack family products can greatly reduce stock market broker tips losses incurred by stolen or lost assets and by non-optimized logistics, inventory management or maintenance. The CelloTrack product line improves visibility and control of remote, valuable equipment such as trailers, containers, bins, generators, or any other type of moveable equipment, whether powered or not.

The evolution of a Connected Service Author: First of all, many of our customers are launching products with lifecycles of years. As the product itself is connected, for example a car, it also means the connected service can constantly evolve, hence the connected service experience in a car should always feel up to date.

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Let me give a couple of examples, starting with the connected car — within a few years it has moved from basic safety and breakdown assistance services to multiple services both within and outside the car. These include navigation with real time traffic information and weather reports, streaming internet radio and other infotainment services.

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Another example is the home alarm; from being just an SMS transmission in the event of an alarm, it is becoming a communication hub in the home, remotely opening doors, and steering home appliances. Of course, more advanced alarm services can now be offered, such as real-time visuals and updates when your children get home from school. The key to success sterling canadian dollar exchange rate graph to build in a flexible approach in the offering to enable constant fine tuning.

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Operating connected services across different regions and technologies is increasingly complex and requires end-to-end know-how to ensure the best end-user experience. The task grows naturally over time as volumes are increasing. As the market evolves over time it is critical to enable flexible business logics — ensuring our customers can try out new business models to capture new market segments and make it easier to consume connected services.

In a changing world our customers will constantly evolve and tune their go-to-market proposition, which in turn requires new innovative flexible billing and charging services on our end. Enabling connected services is so much more than supplying SIM and connectivity. Taking an end-to-end and holistic approach is critical to fully identify the key requirements that the solution should fulfill from the start and throughout the entire product lifecycle to remain competitive.

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Richardson RFOD introduces CloudGate M2M Gateway from Option Author: The CloudGate automatically resolves problems associated with wireless M2M connectivity and incorporates two hardware expansion slots for RS and WiFi functionality. Additional information on these new CloudGate products may be viewed in this video. For more Richardson RFPD M2M products, visit the company's M2M Tech Hub.

To find more information, or to purchase the products today forex broker in india the Richardson RFPD website, please visit the CloudGate webpage.

The devices are also available by calling within North America ; or please find your local sales engineer worldwide at Local Sales Support. Leuven, Belgium — September 1, — Option N. OPNVYthe company connecting Things to the Cloud, today announced its results for the first half fiscal year ended June 30 This increase was mainly the result of Public Lighting sales EUR 1,9 Mio resulting from the acquisition of Innolumis Public Lighting BV and Lemnis Public Lighting BV in January IOT related revenues decreased from EUR 1,3 million to EUR 0,8 million.

This decrease is temporary and was the result of a change in strategy by the new management of the company which is expected to result in increased IOT sales forex companies that trade for you the second half of Thanks to the continuous cost reductions, the operating expenditure decreased with 1,1 Million EUR.

As the Opex includes EUR thousand for the newly acquired Public Lighting business, the actual Opex savings amount to EUR 1,9 million. Financial costs increased, mainly as a result of interests due on the bridge loans which were issued in the first half of and in and also because of exchange rate digg audio money maker construction loop. The first half of EBIT amounted to EUR -3,2 million compared to EUR -5,0 million during the corresponding period The net result amounted to EUR -4,5 million compared to EUR -6,0 million as per Forex pictures 30 The newly acquired Public Lighting Business made a small net profit of EUR 13 thousand.

The cash position decreased from EUR 4,1 million at the end of to EUR 0,4 million at the end of June During the first half of1. Directly understanding the needs from end customers looking for IoT solutions enabled by the complete CloudGate solution is proving successful. We are experiencing a business shift where we see the majority of sales coming from direct relationships with industrial corporations and manufacturers.

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In the first half of the year Option still faced postponed sales. However, this trend is changing as after a change in management the focus shifted towards a direct sales model and the Company has now sufficient signed sales orders to be confident to realize increased sales in the second half of the year. Throughout the first half of the Company continued to embark on commercializing end-to-end solutions in different business segments.

On the financial level, the Company has limited means, but will continue its efforts to search and find funding and restructure its balance sheet in order to facilitate its commercial projects and activities. On January 21, Option announced the acquisition of the shares of the Dutch LED lighting companies Lemnis Public Lighting BV and Innolumis Forex inflow meaning Lighting BV and merges the two companies into a single commercial organization under the name Innolumis Public Lighting.

On March 9, the Board of Directors has decided to terminate the mandate of the CEO, Frank Deschuytere, with immediate effect. The Board has decided to entrust its Executive Chairman, Mr. Jan Callewaert, with the daily management of the Company. On May 12,1.

The decisions to terminate the mandates of FDVV CONSULT BVBA, represented by Mr. On June 3, the Board decided to co-opt VERMEC NV, represented by Peter Cauwels as new independent non-executive director of the Board for a period of 4 years as from July 1 st As of June 30,the Board was composed of five members, namely: Jan Callewaert, executive Chairman, 2 Raju Dandu, non-executive director, 3 FVDH Beheer BVBA, represented by Mr.

Francis Vanderhoydonck permanent representativenon-executive independent director, 4 Qunova BVBA, represented by Mr. Jan Vorstermans permanent representativenon-executive independent director, and 5 Sabine Everaet, non-executive independent director. Given post graduate diploma in stock markets from ignou continued cash drain during the first half ofthe Board continues to work on project and financial funding, and further cost alignment.

However, the most recent sales forecasts, based on concrete signed orders, indicate a growth compared to actual realized revenues in the first half of the year. On that basis, there is sufficient confidence that the required additional funding will be found.

The Company continues the negotiations on the balance sheet restructuring as also the search for new investors at the level of the group or its subsidiaries. The Company is working on a long-term solution. The Company will further report to the market by the end of September and thereafter on an ongoing basis.

Therefore the Board has decided to prepare the interim accounts under the going concern principle. Option reports First Half Year results.

Interim Financial Report June 30 Deze stijging was voornamelijk het gevolg van Public Lighting verkopen 1,9 Mio EUR die volgen uit de overname van Innolumis Public Lighting BV and Lemnis Public Lighting BV in januari IOT verkopen daalden van 1,3 naar 0,8 miljoen EUR.

De daling is van tijdelijke aard en volgt uit een strategiewijziging van het nieuwe management welke verwacht wordt te leiden tot stijgende IOT verkopen in de tweede jaarhelft van Aangezien de Opex voor de nieuwe het Public Lighting segment duizend EUR bedraagt, is de werkelijke Opex besparing 1,9 miljoen EUR.

Het nettoresultaat kwam uit op -4,5 miljoen Swgemu best way to make credits vergeleken met -6,0 miljoen EURO op 30 juni Het nieuwe Public Lighting segment toonde een klein positief nettoresultaat van 13 duizend EUR.

De cashpositie daalde van 4,1 miljoen EURO op jaareinde naar 0,4 miljoen EURO op het einde van juni Tijdens het eerste halfjaar vanverkreeg de onderneming een overbruggingskrediet van 0,8 Mio EURO. Tijdens het eerste halfjaar van werden 1. Contacten met de eindgebruikers die IoT oplossingen nodig hebben en dus direct van hen horen wat hun noden zijn blijkt succesvol te zijn.

Ik ben verheugd te kunnen melden dat het bedrijf contracten gesloten heeft voor diverse oplossingen: We zijn het kantelpunt voorbij en in onze vooruitzichten hebben we er vertrouwen in beggars make a lot of money de omzet in zal uitkomen op bijna het dubbele van In de eerste jaarhelft werd Option nog steeds geconfronteerd met uitgestelde verkopen.

Deze trend is echter aan het wijzigen aangezien na een wijziging in het management de focus verlegd werd naar een direct verkoopsmodel en de vennootschap nu voldoende getekende verkooporders heeft om een hogere omzet in de tweede jaarhelft te realiseren.

Op 26 januari heeft de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van de Vennootschap beslist om het toegestane kapitaal van de Vennootschap te hernieuwen voor een totaalbedrag van vier miljoen achthonderd vierenveertigduizend achthonderd en twee euro en 70 cent 4. Bovendien heeft de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering beslist om aan de Raad van Bestuur bijzondere volmachten toe te kennen, in geval van een openbaar overnamebod op effecten uitgegeven door de Vennootschap, en dit gedurende een periode van drie 3 jaar, die ingaat op de dag van de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering die heeft beslist tot deze machtiging, om over te gaan tot kapitaalverhogingen volgens de voorwaarden bepaald door het Wetboek van Vennootschappen.

De Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering heeft ook besloten om de Raad van Bestuur te machtigen om, in het belang van de Vennootschap, binnen de grenzen en in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van het Wetboek how do binary option brokers make money today Vennootschappen, de voorkeurrechten van de aandeelhouders te beperken of op te schorten wanneer een kapitaalverhoging wordt doorgevoerd binnen de grenzen van het toegestane kapitaal.

Bovendien heeft de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering beslist om 17 warranten aan Danlaw Inc. De Raad heeft beslist om de Uitvoerende Voorzitter, de heer Jan Callewaert, te belasten met het dagelijkse beleid van de Vennootschap. Op 12 mei werden 1. Op 30 juni was de Raad van bestuur samengesteld uit 5 leden, met name: Jan Callewaert, uitvoerend Voorzitter, 2 Raju Dandu, niet-uitvoerend bestuurder, 3 FVDH Beheer BVBA, vertegenwoordigd door de heer Recent corporate stock buybacks Vanderhoydonck vaste vertegenwoordigerniet-uitvoerend onafhankelijk bestuurder, 4 Qunova BVBA, vertegenwoordigd door de heer Jan Vorstermans vaste vertegenwoordigerniet-uitvoerend onafhankelijk bestuurder, en 5 Sabine Everaet, niet-uitvoerend onafhankelijk bestuurder.

Echter, de meest recente vooruitzichten qua verkoop, op basis van concrete ondertekende orders, wijzen op een groei ten opzichte van de werkelijke gerealiseerde opbrengsten in de eerste helft van het jaar. Op die basis bestaat er voldoende vertrouwen dat er benodigde bijkomende financiering zal kunnen gevonden worden.

De Vennootschap zal de onderhandelingen aangaande de balansherstructurering en de zoektocht naar nieuwe investeerders op het niveau van de groep, dan wel een dochteronderneming verder zetten. De vennootschap werkt aan een oplossing voor de lange termijn en zal verder verslag uitbrengen aan de markt tegen het einde van september en daarna op een permanente basis. Option Rapporteert resultaten van het eerste halfjaar Tussentijds Financieel Verslag 30 juni OPNVYa global leader in smart wireless M2M Solutions, today published on its website its annual report for the full fiscal year ended December 31, The disclaimer of opinion results from the fact that the Auditor has raised questions about the reporting under going concern which the Board has explained in its annual report as follows:.

On the day money maker srl verona the publication of the report, the Company has limited financial means. The Board has however secured new financial commitments which together with the latest sales outlook should allow the company to fund the next 6 months and secure the short term going concern. The latest sales outlook incorporates a growth compared to actual sales realized in the first months; the company is confident it will be able to realize the outlook as it was based on concrete discussions with customers.

After this period of six months, new financing will be required. Therefore the Board has dentist lie to make money to prepare the annual accounts under the going concern principle.

De commissaris heeft zijn beoordeling afgerond en geeft een verklaring van oordeelonthouding, zoals het oordeel van vorig jaar. Deze onthouding volgt uit het feit dat de Commissaris vragen heeft over de rapportage in het kader van going concern.

De going concern werd als volgt toegelicht door de Raad van Bestuur in haar jaarverslag:. De meest recente verkoopsvooruitzichten betekenen een groei ten opzichte van de gerealiseerde omzet in de eerste maanden van het boekjaar en de onderneming heeft er vertrouwen in de vooruitzichten te kunnen realiseren gegeven deze gebaseerd zijn op concrete gesprekken met klanten. Na deze periode van zes maanden, zal nieuwe financiering nodig zijn. De Gewone Algemene Vergadering zal plaatsvinden op 31 mei om 10 u op de zetel van de Vennootschap.

De oproeping inclusief de agenda en de oproepingsformaliteiten kunnen op de what is the safest way to make money online, www. OPNVY heeft vandaag haar resultaten bekendgemaakt voor het volledige jaareindigend op 31 december De opbrengsten voor het jaar bedroegen 4,7 miljoen EUR in vergelijking met 5,2 miljoen EUR tijdens De CloudGate opbrengsten stegen cara menganalisa fundamental forex 1 miljoen EUR terwijl de opbrengsten van modules en devices daalden met -1,7 miljoen EUR.

Tijdens daalden de operationele kosten met duizend EUR van 13,5 miljoen EUR in naar 13,1 miljoen EUR in Deze daling van de genormaliseerde bedrijfskosten ten belopen van 1,8 miljoen EUR is het resultaat van verdere kostenbeheersing. Het financieel resultaat daalde van -1,8 miljoen EUR in naar -2,3 miljoen EUR invoornamelijk door de interesten op de converteerbare obligatieleningen die werden uitgegeven in het begin van het tweede kwartaal van en how does the rand/dollar exchange rate affect imports and exports november alsook door forex day trading alert robot brugfinanciering opgenomen in eerste jaarhelft van De cash option trading message board van werd opgevangen door een overbruggingskrediet van 2,7 miljoen EUR tijdens het eerste halfjaar vande uitgifte van een converteerbare obligatielening van 6,0 miljoen EUR in november en het verder benutten van het werkingskapitaal.

De cashpositie steeg van 1,6 miljoen EUR op jaareinde naar 4,1 miljoen EUR op het einde Het netto resultaat voor bedraagt ,1 miljoen EUR of -0,15 EUR per gewone of verwaterde aandeel. Dit in vergelijking met een netto resultaat van ,9 miljoen EUR of -0,15 EUR per gewone of verwaterde aandeel in Tijdens werden 2.

Terwijl CloudGate een wezenlijk onderdeel uitmaakt van projecten en oplossingen tonen de jaarresultaten aan dat de geplande pick-up van CloudGate verkopen niet gebeurd is. Het huidige sales proces waar meerdere partners bij betrokken zijn alvorens de oplossing bij de eind-klant belandt blijft complex, trager en met een grotere leercurve dan verwacht. Ondanks het feit dat het CloudGate plaform uniek is en geapprecieerd wordt door onze partners, is het bedrijf niet in staat gebleken om met dit platform op een duurzame en voldoende snelle manier omzet te kunnen genereren.

Om deze situatie aan te pakken is het bedrijf reeds in de 2 de helft van en in — ook de weg ingeslagen van de verkoop van end-to-end oplossingen als go-to-market strategie. 1001 ways to make money as a speaker is in de kern een engineering bedrijf.

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Haar expertise in Radio Frequency RF ontwerp en ontwikkeling is wereldwijd erkend. Het bedrijf blijft haar expertise in dit domein actief commercialiseren. Het contract voor het ontwerp en ontwikkeling van een On Board Diagnostics Datalogger OBD voor Danlaw of het werk voor Asea Brown Boveri ABB en Jabil Circuit zijn voorbeelden van de expertise van het bedrijf in engineering services.

Het bedrijf blijft haar partner kanaal en eindklanten actief op het CloudGate platform ondersteunen door end-to-end toepassingen die door haar partners werden ontwikkeld te selecteren met de bedoeling om deze ook via Option te gaan verkopen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft beslist met onmiddellijke ingang een einde te stellen aan het mandaat van de CEO, Frank Deschuytere. De Raad address broker stock yanqui Bestuur heeft beslist het dagelijkse bestuur van de Vennootschap toe te vertrouwen aan de Uitvoerend Voorzitter Jan Callewaert.

De afgelopen twee jaar hebben we waardevolle feedback gekregen van onze doelmarkten. Als een gevolg daarvan hebben we zorgvuldig de business segmenten van smart lighting en connected cars geselecteerd. USA, een globale aanbieder van telematica en connected vehicle oplossingen. Het bedrijf slaat een bladzijde om en gaat op een nieuwe manier aan haar toekomst werken. Engineering Services, Smart Lighting Solutions, Connected Car Solutions en CloudGate Solutions. Hierbij zal elke entiteit moeten foucssen op het aligneren van de kosten voor haar activiteiten om minimum break-even te draaien.

We bekijken de mogelijkheid om de CloudGate business entiteit zo te organiseren dat we in toekomst partnerships kunnen aangaan. Naast de al aangekondigde brugfinanciering van 2.

De obligatielening heeft een termijn van 5 jaar en vervalt op 5 november en kan converteren in maximaal De uitgifteprijs is berekend aan het gemiddelde van de koersen gedurende dertig dagen voorafgaande aan de dag van de uitgifte, overeenkomstig artikel van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen.

Bijkomend heeft Danlaw de mogelijkheid om 4 mio EUR te investeren door middel van warranten welke werden uitgegeven door de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van 26 januari Om de raad van bestuur tevens bijzonder te machtigen om, ingeval van openbaar overnamebod op effecten uitgegeven door de vennootschap gedurende een cupcakes and cashmere makeup van drie 3 jaar die loopt vanaf de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering die tot deze machtiging heeft besloten, over te gaan tot kapitaalverhogingen in de voorwaarden voorzien door het Wetboek van vennootschappen.

Gegeven de aanhoudende cash drain in is de Raad van Bestuur op zoek naar projectfinancieringen evenals bijkomende financiering op korte termijn. OPNVY today announced its results for the full fiscal year ended December 31, For a detailed report on the consolidated Income Statement and Balance Sheet, we refer to the financial report below. Total revenues for were EUR 4. CloudGate revenues increased with EUR 1 million and revenues from embedded modules and devices decreased with EUR Gross margin for the year was Excluding the write-off on inventories of EUR thousand, the normalized gross margin would have reached Duringthe operating expenditure decreased with EUR Thousand from EUR This decrease in normalized operating costs of EUR 1.

The financial result decreased from EUR The cash burn was compensated by a bridge funding of 2. The cash position increased from EUR 1. The net result for the full year amounted to EUR This compares to a net result of EUR During2, new shares we created as the result of the conversion of convertible bonds. Whereas CloudGate remains a building block of projects and solutions, the full year results indicate that the expected pick-up of CloudGate sales did not materialize.

The current sales process involving multiple partners before the solution reaches the end-customer, remains complicated, slow and with steeper learning curves than anticipated.

Although the CloudGate platform is unique and appreciated by our partners, the Company has not been able to monetize the platform in a sustainable way fast enough. To address this situation, the Company — since the second half of and through — additionally embarked on the go-to-market strategy of commercializing end-to-end solutions.

At its core, Option is an engineering company. Its expertise in Radio Frequency RF design and development is recognized worldwide. The Company continues to actively commercialize its expertise in these areas. The Company continues to support its channel partners and end-customers on the CloudGate platform by selecting end-to-end applications developed by our partners for further commercialization by Option. The Board of Directors has decided to terminate the mandate of the CEO, Frank Deschuytere, with immediate effect.

The Board has decided to entrust its Executive Chairman, Mr Jan Callewaert, with the daily management of the Company. CloudGate technology is perceived as an essential building block adding connectivity and smart applications to the Internet of Things. Over the last two years we obtained valuable feedback from our target markets. Consequently, we carefully selected the business segments of smart lighting and connected cars. The Company is turning the page and will be working on its future in a novel way.

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The Company created, and will manage the following business entities separately: Engineering Services, Smart Lighting Solutions, Connected Car Solutions and CloudGate Solutions. To that end every entity will have to focus on cost alignments for its activities to become at least break-even.

We are looking into organizing the CloudGate business entity in such a way that it is ready for future partnering while we see appetite for investments in Smart City applications, in particular connected building and public lighting. Following the continued review by the statutory auditor of the Company of the cash position of the Company and its continuity, the Option Board of Directors has further deliberated in this respect and informed the market accordingly in its press releases of April 21, and July 3, In addition to the announced 2.

Under the terms of the agreement Danlaw Inc. The Convertible Bond loan has a term of 5 years and will expire on November 5, and can be converted in maximum The conversion price is set at 30 days average stock price before issue in accordance with Article of the Code of Companies. Given the continued cash drain inthe Board is looking for further project fundings as well as financial funding in the short term.

On January 21, Option announced the acquisition of the shares of the Dutch LED lighting companies Lemnis Lighting BV Public and Innolumis Public Lighting BV and merges the two companies into a single commercial organization under the name Innolumis Public Lighting. Leuven, Belgium — August 27, — Option N. Our sales partners indicated that their orders are postponed till later this year. We have won several contracts to develop solutions for the Internet of Things world.

In the first half year Option faced postponed sales and as a consequence important orders shifted to the second half of the year. More importantly, in recent months progress has been made on several fronts: The main focus has been to increase the number of applications that run on the CloudGate platform. Several important application development projects for US Robotics for out of band management, smart housing applications for Asea Brown Boveri ABB have been finalized and a rail-certified WIFI access point for general deployment in trains, trams and busses has been developed.

To further lower the barriers to M2M application development for our customers and to decrease the time from concept to working M2M solution, Luvit-RED was developed. Luvit-RED is a visually configurable agent for the design and deployment of smart M2M solutions.

By enabling rapid prototyping, development and deployment of M2M applications, Luvit-RED reduces cost, speeds time to market and mitigates risk. In the first half year we continued to increase our reach into the M2M markets by adding distributors such as TESSCO in the US, Graphite in UK and recently BLUDIS in Italy.

Their job is to bring localized solutions and support to channel partners. In the second half of the year the Company expects significant stock replenishment orders from its partners in North America. The business model remains centered on Internet of Things and is based on the following pillars:.

Onze verkoopspartners gaven aan de hun orders uitgesteld zijn tot later dit jaar. We slagen erin om cash te genereren van oudere producten die we vanuit onze voorraad herwerken naar de vereisten van de eindklant. Uitgaande van de progressie die ik vaststel binnen ons bedrijf en de vooruitgang die we realiseren in de markt, ben ik ervan overtuigd dat wij een significante vooruitgang zullen zien in onze resultaten voor de tweede helft van In de eerste helft van het jaar werd Option geconfronteerd met vertragingen wat voor gevolg had dat belangrijke orders naar de tweede helft van het jaar verschoven.

Nochtans behouden de verkoopspartners van de vennootschap hun vooruitzichten voor Nog belangrijker is dat in de laatste maanden belangrijke vooruitgang werd geboekt op verschillende fronten. De belangrijkste doelstelling was om het aantal applicaties die op CloudGate draaien te verhogen.

Tevens werd een oplossing ontwikkeld voor mobiele WIFI toegang, met certificatie voor gebruik in treinen en toepasbaar in treinen, trams en bussen.

Om de ontwikkeling van M2M applicaties voor onze klanten verder te vereenvoudigen en om de tijd van concept naar werkende M2M oplossing in te korten, werd LuvitRed ontwikkeld. LuvitRed is een grafisch configureerbare softwareomgeving voor ontwikkeling en uitrol van slimme M2M oplossingen.

Ondertussen stijgt het aantal klanten dat autonoom applicaties op CloudGate ontwikkelt. Hierdoor kunnen we meer gelokaliseerde oplossingen realiseren en de lokale support voor onze klanten verbeteren.

In de tweede helft van het jaar verwacht de vennootschap significante stock opvolgorders uit Noord-Amerika. Option rapporteert resultaten van het eerste halfjaar LEUVEN — Belgium — July 3, — Following the continued review by the statutory auditor of the Company of the cash position of the Company and its continuity, the Board of Directors has further deliberated in this respect and resolved to inform the market about the reasons why the continuity can, in its opinion, be maintained.

The Company therefore wishes to provide the market with an update in relation to its financial situation and possible strategic options. In the first half year the Company active in the pioneering market of IoT Internet of Things faced postponed sales and as a consequence important orders shifted to the second half of the year.

Through rigorous cash management the Company has been able to keep its cash position under control thanks to the bridge financing as announced on April 21,by accelerating customer payments, by optimizing the supply chain and by further reducing the operational costs.

In het eerste halfjaar kreeg het bedrijf dat actief is in de pioniersmarkt van IoT Internet of Things te maken met uitgestelde verkopen, en als gevolg daarvan verschoven belangrijke orders naar de tweede helft van het jaar.

Niettemin behouden de partners van het bedrijf hun vooruitzichten voor Hoewel het tweede kwartaal beter was dan het eerste, bleef de omzet voor het eerste halfjaar beduidend onder de eigen verwachtingen van het bedrijf. Door een rigoureus cashmanagement was het bedrijf in staat om zijn cashpositie onder controle te houden dankzij het overbruggingskrediet zoals eerder bekendgemaakt op 21 aprildoor betalingen van klanten te versnellen, door de supply chain nog te optimaliseren en door de operationele kosten verder te doen dalen.

LeuvenBelgium — June 16, — Option EURONEXT: OPNVYthe company connecting Things to the Cloud, today announced the appointment of Jan Luyckx as Senior Director Finance, effective July 1 st. Luyckx will be responsible for all international financial activities of the Option group, the financial consolidation and reporting of the Company. Christine Pollie, Option's CFO, has left the company for personal reasons.

Jan Luyckx 42 is not new to Option. He held various finance-related roles, including Group Financial Controller and Business Planning Director, at the Company from till After he worked as an interim manager in senior financial and business planning positions for Waterleau Group, Servico part of the Bosch GroupBosch Thermotechnology and CG Power Systems.

Earlier in his career he worked for VPK Packaging Group and DAF Trucks. Luyckx is a Master in Economics and Finance with a specialization in finance. Christine Pollie, Option's CFO, heeft het bedrijf verlaten om persoonlijke redenen. Option is niet nieuw voor Jan Luyckx Van tot vervulde hij bij het bedrijf al diverse financieel gerelateerde functies zoals Group Financial Controller en Business Planning Director.

LEUVEN — Belgium — April 21, — Following the continued review by the statutory auditor of the Company of the cash position of the Company and its continuity, the Option Board of Directors has further deliberated in this respect and resolved to inform the market about the reasons why the continuity can, in its opinion, be maintained.

The Company therefore wishes to provide the market with some additional guidance in relation to its financial situation and possible strategic options. Option has not only significantly invested in the technology platform as such but also in the go-to-market strategy thereof. The uniqueness of the platform has been recognized and the company has signed a number of leading distributors and strategic customers.

The take-off of the CloudGate platform in this new market has however proven to be a challenge and was substantially slower than originally anticipated and difficult to forecast. However, given the current view on the sales pipeline and taking into account the overall market potential, the Company remains convinced that the CloudGate platform will gain sufficient traction and sales and thus support its going concern and overall cash position.

In addition to the previously announced 2. If and to the extent such scenarios would materialize or certain decisions in this respect would be taken, the Company will forthwith inform the market hereof. It allows you to see incoming messages, phone calls, etc.

This firmware updater cannot be run on a MAC running Safari browser. Please use Firefox or Chrome. This firmware updater cannot be used for devices purchased through a network operator. Please contact your network operator for further information. The firmware upgrade process can take up to 20 minutes. Interrupting the process might lead to permanent failure of the device. Please contact your network operator directly for assistance. This document provides a description of how to configure a print server and a file server connected to the USB port of the GlobeSurfer III.

For use in 5. Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported. The GlobeTrotter Express 7. The GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA device will be updated to: GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC 1. GlobeTrotter GT Max 7. The GlobeTrotter GT Max HSUPA device will be updated to: Supports Windows 7 only: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: This upgrader will upgrade the iCON to firmware version 2.

This flasher can only upgrade Option standard iCON devices. Firmware upgrader to version 2. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

Upgrade firmware to version 2. Upgrade frimware to version 3. This driver installer can only be used in Windows 7 Mobile Broadband mode. After installation, connection of the Option device can be made through Windows Mobile Broadband instead of using Option connection managers.

This driver CANNOT be installed on any other Microsoft OS than on the Windows 7. If you already have installed the GlobeTrotter Connect, this driver package CANNOT be installed on top. This will create a driver conflict. Special Report of the Board of Directors - art.

Auditor Special Report - art. Option NV - Auditer Special Report: Uitgifte van Converteerbare Obligaties met opheffing van het voorkeurrecht. Verslag van de Commissaris in het kader van artikel en artikel van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen.

Special Report of the Board of Directors: Bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur overeenkomstig artikelen en juncto van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen over de uitgifte van Converteerbare Obligaties.

The articles of association stipulate that the Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members, who are appointed by the general shareholders meeting for a maximum period of six years. The Board of Directors has to contain at least three independent directors. The Board of Directors is currently composed of five members, namely: Jan Callewaert is referential shareholder of Option.

He currently serves as member of the Board. Jan Callewaert gained IT experience with Bull where he was product manager for the Dealer Channel. Then, with Ericsson where he was product-marketing manager for Office Automation products, he worked on the integration of hardware and software combining modems, data networks, fibre optics and videotext. Jan Callewaert is a qualified Commercial and Managerial Engineer in Management Informatics and has a Baccalaureat in Philosophy from the University of Leuven.

Dandu is the Founder-Chairman of Danlaw Inc. He is also the Managing Director of Danlaw Technologies India Ltd. He is responsible for strategic planning and corporate management of both companies. Prior to founding Danlaw Inc. Peter Cauwels is managing partner and director at Vermec NV, a family investment fund for ambitious mid-sized companies, and Chairman at Eternal Sun Group, a Dutch manufacturer of solar simulators.

Peter Cauwels has gained financial experience as Director of BNP Paribas Fortis Global Markets between and and as a senior advisor, risk management in KBC Group from to Pieter Bourgeois, is an Investment Manager at Alychlo NV, the investment firm of Belgian entrepreneur Marc Coucke.

Prior to this, Mr. Guy Sips Equity Analyst KBC Securities E-mail: Havenlaan 12 SMKB Brussels. Gert De Mesure Analyst Vlaamse Federatie van Beleggingsclubs en Beleggers E-mail: LangestraatB Zandhoven. We have no open positions at the moment. Option supports socia-economic projects both in and outside the company walls. Candidates for support are carefully selected following through evaluation of both the ambitions and the technological and innovative qualities of the project.

Discover Cloudgate Solutions About — Investor Ecosystem Contact LOGIN CG UNIVERSE. About OPTION Headquartered in Belgium and with offices in Europe, the United States and Australia, Option specializes in wireless solutions enabling Machine to Machine M2M communication.

Option Engineering Services Option backs its advanced CloudGate M2M solution platform with an extensive engineering consultancy capable of helping you succeed. Edwin Bex Chief Financial Officer. Ben Cober Director Engineering. Rudy Snoeks Director Operations. Patrick Willekens Sales Director. Steve Theunissen General Counsel. Melbourne Sales Office PO Box Eltham Vic. Candidates for support are carefully selected following thorough evaluation of both the ambitions and the technological and innovative qualities of the project.

Investment We will not invest in any of the following areas: To this end we are committed to a continual improvement in the operating environment of our facilities. We maintain and document an Environmental Management System conforming to: Our environmental policy includes the following core principles: Option has done substantial efforts to align customer requests for customization while lowering its ecological footprint.

This resulted in our offering of environmentally friendly and highly customizable packaging. If you want to read more on our packaging, click here. For more information please contact: Steve Theunissen [1]general counsel Investor Relations Gaston Geenslaan 14 B Leuven, Belgium TEL: CONTACT Steve Theunissen Investor Relations Gaston Geenslaan 14 B Leuven, Belgium TEL: De relevante gegevens van deze transparantiemeldingen zijn als volgt: Steve Theunissen, legal counsel Investors Relations Gaston Geenslaan 14 B Leuven, Belgium TEL: Informatie per 6 maart Information per March 6, Restructuring Within the context of a new business plan forOption developed a restructuring plan focusing on three areas: Bond loans Option issued a total of EUR 27, of convertible bonds, as follows: Bridge loans Option issued a total of EUR 4, in bridge loans during the period Mr Eric Van Zele joins the Board as new Chairman as from 7 March As from 7 March the Board of directors of Option consists of following the 6 directors: Investors Relations Gaston Geenslaan 14 B Leuven, Belgium TEL: Herstructurering Binnen het kader van een nieuw businessplan voor heeft Option een herstructureringsplan uitgewerkt, gericht op drie punten: Obligatieleningen Option heeft voor een totaalbedrag van EUR Overbruggingskredieten Option heeft tijdens de periode een aantal lopende overbruggingskredieten aangegaan voor een totaalbedrag van EUR 4.

Voor elk nieuw aandeel werd EUR 0. Vanaf 7 maart bestaat de Raad van bestuur van Option uit volgende 6 bestuurders: De opbrengsten voor het jaar bedroegen 4,3 miljoen EUR in vergelijking met 4,7 miljoen EUR tijdens Dit ten gevolge van een gewijzigde strategie.

De opbrengsten van modules en devices doven uit en daalden daarom met -0,9 miljoen EUR en de opbrengsten uit engineering diensten stegen met 0,5 miljoen EUR. Tijdens daalden de operationele kosten met 5,7 miljoen EUR van 13,1 miljoen EUR in naar 7,4 miljoen EUR in Het financieel resultaat daalde van -2,3 miljoen EUR in naar -2,7 miljoen EUR invoornamelijk door de interesten op de converteerbare obligatieleningen en de brugfinanciering. EBIT in bedroeg -5,1 miljoen EUR vergeleken met ,8 miljoen EUR in De kaspositie daalde van 4,1 miljoen EUR op het einde van het jaar naar 0,8 miljoen EUR op het einde van het jaar Tijdens het jaar ontving het bedrijf een overbruggingskrediet van 2 miljoen EUR.

Het netto resultaat voor bedraagt -7,5 miljoen EUR of -0,08 EUR per gewone of verwaterde aandeel. Dit in vergelijking met een netto resultaat van ,1 miljoen EUR of -0,15 EUR per gewone of verwaterde aandeel in Tijdens werden 1. Voor het volledige persbericht, inclusief tabellen, gelieve op onderstaande link te klikken: The sale is reported in discontinued operations. Total revenues for the year were EUR 4. This as a result of a change in strateg. Revenues from embedded modules and devices are fading out and therefore decreased with EUR Duringthe operating expenditure decreased with EUR 5.

This resulting from continuous cost reductions. InEBIT amounted to EUR The cash position decreased from EUR 4. Duringthe company received a bridge funding of EUR 2 million. During1, new shares were created as the result of the conversion of convertible bonds. For the entire press release, including tables, click on the link below. Consult the financial part of our annual reports to get more information.

Friday June 30, at 10 AM in Leuven Belgium. Vrijdag 10 maart Jaarverslag Vrijdag 25 augustus Algemene aandeelhoudersvergadering: CAPITAL STRUCTURE OPTION NV 1 BASIC DATA a Total share capital EUR 9, Venn Bijzonder verslag van de Raad van Bestuur overeenkomstig artikel W. Venn Commissaris Verslag in het kader van artikel W. Venn Commissaris Verslag in het kader van artikel - W. Bylaws Official By-Laws in Dutch PDFMarch,

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